Sunday, 13 September 2015

Working with time...

Ok cool… Wanna keep this short & sweet but importantly to the point. I guess human beings are going to take a while to wake up to the reality of life and the things that are so simple yet so missed everyday. The truth is that I’m starting to feel like that there was a population of human beings before us that knew so much shit… When we were made it seems as though we were limited on purpose and given amnesia regarding what we are and who we are. You can see how we still don’t understand how the ancient civilizations built the shit they built that leave in awe till this day. Somehow I feel I’ve really been trying to awaken this hidden knowledge in myself. The physical part of life which we exist on has become boring and bland to me. I feel there’s more out there and this is why I’ve really enjoyed diving into Quantum/Meta Physics to understand energy and sub-atomic particles that we don’t regard but are certainly obvious when one begins to realize that we are not our bodies and your mind doesn’t think its own thoughts. Our bodies are the physical manifestation of our souls in this dimension where we experience and are experienced, our minds are how we perceive the physical reality before us and our souls is where the magic is; our true nature moving through time, space and dimensions. 

First thing to realize is that we are actually are here. Like we actually exist and what’s in front of us is our playground. In the 3rd dimension we are below the 4th dimension which is time and so because this is a lower dimension, we are governed by the higher dimensions (4th & 5th). We are subject to time. I often sit and marvel at how we are born and all of a sudden you become this thing that grows and accumulates matter the older we get, till a point when we expire and go onto the next experience. It often baffles me that the body merely is a vessel that contains the soul and the consciousness of an individual but anyway lemme not go too deep into that shit. 

The reason I decided to write this is because I’ve come to the realization that we don’t respect time. We live in such a microwave generation where everything must be quicker and faster. Cellphones are now as quick as computers wished to be back in the day. Everything is designed to be faster, we use words like efficiency and what not because they somehow relate to higher levels of “productivity” and all the bullshit they try program us with. 

Someone asked me the other day how I’ve been so patient with my company and its growth. I merely answered that I had to be. I don’t understand what else I was supposed to do. But then it hit me that in this generation, we want to rush things, we want things now and if things don’t manifest in a time that is containable by us, we quit. If a person wants to lose weight, they start the journey full steam, buying into diets and getting products and start things passionate. Somehow a week or two later when the scale doesn’t speak their language, they quit and fall back into their old habits. We live in a time where the “get rich quick” and “shave off the fat quickly & effortlessly” philosophies govern and trick people out of millions. 

We don’t have a society that cultivates resilience & a hard working ethic anymore. Everyone wants to be a millionaire and want to flaunt summer bodies with close to zero effort and in the space of a week.

Here’s some painful truth and this is the crux of this whole post: 

There is no such thing as quick riches and quick results and that shit must get out of your mind right now. I don’t give a shit what they can tell you out there. There’s no microwave success and no microwave results. Life moves in incremental moments we call time and the universal laws are no respecter of persons. Manifestation of everything requires consistency, work and patience.
You can’t work against time, but you can work with time. I often wonder why people are in such a rush when it comes to life. Who the fuck said that this thing is a race?? But then I see social media and I realize how much pressure it has put on society. Like people spend so much time watching other people live their lives & watching people go through time doing the things that they do. Somehow people look at other people and compare themselves and feel that they need to do something to rush the process. I think that more people would be successful if they stopped comparing their lives to other people. It causes them unnecessary stress, pressure & worry. Your life is your own and only you have the ideas and vision for your life. 

The truth about our society is that people are barely making it in life. Just because you see people in places you go, you somehow feel that everyone has more money than you and have such better lives than you do. We are such a fake society that chooses to flash lives out to people to make ourselves feel some type of way based on the images we put out there. We hide the unhappiness we really feel and only experience it when we are alone. We do so much to escape our realities instead of putting up with them and learning to change things in real time. 

I stuck to a vision I had for 3 4 years and I realized some powerful things in the process. I was mentally beaten, broke half the time, laughed at and attacked. The only thing I had was my vision and my desire for what I wanted and my “why”. The other day I realized that we’re about to hit full production on our product in the next 2-3 weeks and I asked myself how it all happened. Like the time just disappeared and everything was the same but it felt different. The truth is that regardless of how scared you might be in terms of how much time it will take to achieve and do something, the time will pass either way whether you like it or not. People aren’t afraid of what they want to do, but are afraid of being beginners in it. You can’t perfect something without being a beginner at it and constantly thrash at it to become a master at it. So what people do is quit before they get better at their shit. 

Time is what we are all bound by but none of us can control it. We can merely recognize it and work with it but we can’t rush it. And I see now why people seldom make it nowadays. They don’t possess the patience and endurance to go all the way. They would rather try this, and try that, somehow hoping that something can come of it instead of choosing one thing and going all the way with it. Then they want to blame God or destiny or whatever but the problem was always themselves. They couldn’t choose something and stick with it. And that’s what it takes. You have to learn to work with time and throw your entire being at what you want to do. People nowadays will work Monday to Wednesdays, get excited about the weekend on Thursday, on Friday they are excited about going out, on Saturday they recover & Sunday is Sunday Funday... Then they wonder why things are they way they are. Successful people don't have more time, they simply use it effectively. Gotta work with it man and do the fucking work...

I often feel that if people put as much effort as they do in their craft/dreams as they do in the movements in and out of their relationships, they’d get somewhere in life. It’s funny how they still praise relationships that last long as if it’s expected that relationships shouldn’t last long. I don’t know this is our generation, the microwave generation. They ask me why I’m still single after all these years and think it’s because someone hurt me ages ago and now I’m bitter. The truth is that I just wanted to work on and do me. We’ve never been give the time to meet and know ourselves and I decided to study myself and really get to know me and build a life I wanted. I could never settle for less than what I want and so I’d rather work shit hard towards what I want and get it than to settle for something I don’t want and learn to lie to myself about loving it. I chose to be simple in my approach regardless of what people would say about me. People will always talk and talk. It’s like they have nothing better to do than to be entertained by the ups and downs of other people and celebrities.
I say to you today that man, study yourself. Fuck everything else, and do you. Happiness is an inside job, not a bank account or version of you. Everything takes time and there are no shortcuts or success microwaves. Everything new requires time, patience, sacrifice, work and dedication. Don’t believe people who tell you to disregard time in what you want to achieve, tell them to fuck off. Learn to know yourself, who you are and what you want for your life because truth be told, you’ll be alone in your grave and all the opinions you listened to your whole life won’t be there with you. People can’t stop you but they are unknowingly programmed to plant thoughts in your mind to make you stop yourself. Learn to get the fuck from people that are too afraid to pursue themselves but have all the textbook answers about your shit. As sad it may be but you have to get the fuck away from people that keep doing the same things and keep talking about the same people. 

I look at life now, a few years later and I realize that the world hasn’t changed much since I left it and so haven’t the people. The world doesn’t change, you change and that’s what you notice and what working with time does to you. You gotta learn to fall in love with the process and accept the changes as they come and learn from the pain of patience. The weather cannot stay the same, situations and circumstances change and so never allow yourself to make decisions on the now because things can easily change tomorrow. Make time your friend and let the process make you complete and shit. Be here, be present and recognize the simplicity of all things. That’s all that matters.

Ya, I’m done I think… fuck it. I hope I made sense because I just threw all this in. Doubt ill even run a spell check. 

Twista ft Cee Lo – “Hope”

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