Sunday, 10 January 2016

21 Lessons from 2015... (No BS)

Ya ok… It’s finally 2016 which is crazy because it’s been 10 years since I left high school and I’m really blown away by how quick time has went. Like just the other day we left high school, with dreams the size of Jupiter and a hunger for life that would make the whole show on Ripley’s believe it or not. It’s funny how life has moved. It’s funny how we all went our separate ways and some converged again. I look at Facebook and it’s all pretty much the same thing; marriages and children all around, I guess we are finally here now. I guess life sometimes forces us to calm down and I guess I’m happy for everyone. There is no right or wrong way of doing life, I guess you’re going to do it whether you like it or not and that’s a cute way of looking at it but anyway. 

So 2015 was a real year for me, apart from what happened which was a lot, it was more the lessons that I forcefully had to master that stand out. I made a note of them in December but figured I’d get to writing it in January when the “new year, new me” bullshit eased its way out to free up some energy so this can actually have an impact to somebody out there… 

These are just some lessons I mastered that I hope does something for someone out there and helps them maybe accelerate their process. People say to me now that I should write less and get this shit in a book but it’s ok. There’s plenty where this comes from and nobody has ever gotten poorer by giving. I’m living my purpose now and part of that Is to teach because when I’m gone I’ll be gone, I know these things I say today will help people in the future that haven’t been born yet and that’s how you do shit. 

So ya let’s get into this, don’t know how many points will be here but I shall let my mind and fingers guide me so lets jump in, might be a lil long so take your time…

1.       The Ground (Being down and out).

So let’s start with a bang… 

Shit. What is down and out? Is it when you have no cent/penny to your name or is it when you don’t have hope? I saw the ground in all its forms last year. I was penniless, with a colossal dream and everything basically fell apart in my face and I didn’t see what was going to happen. I couldn’t believe all the bullshit I went through. But it was there where I learnt that all great changes are preceded by chaos. You’re never down and out when you’re broke, you’re only down and out when you lose hope and can’t imagine how things could be better than the current situation. And as long as you’re alive, there’s always a way. 

2.       You haven’t exhausted all opportunities

The ground is a place where you’re forced to evaluate everything. Where how badly what you want something is tested. It is at that stage where you have two options and two options only. To be a bitch and walk away and make your dream defeat you and laugh at you for being stupid enough to believe it was possible or to decide fuck it, I WANT THIS! FUCK WHAT I HAVE TO GO THROUGH. It was there where I learnt that when you stop focusing on the problem, you open yourself to the solution because of your belief in yourself and in the fact that you wouldn’t have been brought there unless the was a way to overcome the obstacle. It was here where I learnt that the problem isn’t the problem, but your attitude towards it. When you think it’s over, it actually isn’t, there’s always a way. 

3.       Your Response

The truth is that shit will happen to you in life. But like I said above, it’s your attitude towards what happens that will determine the outcome, not the circumstance itself. This is where you realize that it’s not what happens to you but more how you choose to respond to it that matters. Everything else we subconsciously create, only about 5% is the shit that blindsides us. The rest, well we create ourselves & I’m now convinced that people put themselves in the situations they find themselves in, not God and not fate. Stop blaming everyone and start checking yourself for where you are in life.

4.       Adaptation

Aha now this is some shit that was hard. Now as I said, you choose how you respond to whatever happens to you, but after that you also need to learn to adapt. You see the circumstance was never there to deter you, but to prepare you. The process has to make you ready because what you go through is preparing you for what you asked for. So once again you put yourself in the mess. I read a book from the 18th century by some crazy ass weird dude but there was a point in the book where he said: “The seeming disappointments of life, are Gods own appointments.” When disappointments arise, you must be aware that this was all your doing and you need to adapt quickly and accordingly knowing that you are being led by your most dominant thoughts. And it’s all about trusting that feeling. Remember that your job is to level up and grow in order to meet the future version of yourself you’ve imagined. So expect hardships. 

5.       Time

I had an article before this entitled “working with time.” What I was saying in that is that everything will come to you when you’re ready for it. One cannot control time, or make it work faster. All you can do is work with it because time itself is an illusion which is only real based on our perception of it. The rest is just fluff. Allowing yourself to get frustrated at how slow things happen will stress you out for no reason. The best thing I know now is that time doesn’t give a fuck about me and my dreams and life has been better ever since. Stop complaining and just keep going. 

6.       Patience

When you accept that time doesn’t give a fuck, you learn what is called “patience.” Every person who wants to be a master at anything must master the art of patience. When patience starts becoming a lesson you teach, you know you’ve accepted that time doesn’t give a fuck. Patience has taught me that everything I wanted before, I wasn’t ready for and that everything will come to me if I accept the fact that it’s not about getting there but going there because the journey will always teach you something about the destination.  So master patience and you master yourself. 

7.       The Past

It is true we are where we are because of our past. I don’t know how people like to talk shit about how the past doesn’t affect them and that whatever happened is done and over. I don’t get this need to be strong and macho all the time. There are something’s people did to me in my past that still affect me till this day; hell they even affect some of my decisions and as strong as I’d like to act, I also know that there is no weakness in being vulnerable. Maybe some of you guys are super human and have amnesia pills to make you forget shit but I guess I wasn’t lucky. The lesson I derive however is that I’m grateful for my past, all of it, good and bad. It is only when accept that you must be grateful for your life that you allow your past and present version of yourself to understand each other. When they mix and come to an agreement, the future becomes godly. Don’t try deny your past, but just accept it and laugh about it because you can’t change it. 

8.       People

This one is gold haha… fuck! People hey? I hate people I’ve accepted. People are the most dangerous thing man. I’m glad at this young stage of my life, I’ve learnt how to read and judge people around me and I’m also not afraid to cut ties and get away from people that can add negativity in my life. Look! You need to assess the people you allow into your life out of 10 and be honest with what value they bring. People will come with bullshit and that will affect your life if you aren’t woke. Be selfish and unapologetic about your time and energy. People will act shady, they'll change in front of you especially because you’ve dedicated yourself to improvement and you want to win at life. People who believed in you will change towards you when you start to win seriously and people who didn’t believe in you will start believing in you. It pays to notice these changes. It’s funny because Ceteris Paribus, the only thing that’s variable in this instance is just your improvent and movement towards you. Its real, so STAY WOKE! 

9.       The Opposite Sex

Ya… Well ima be real, like the book of Proverbs 4:23 says: “Above everything else, guard the affections of your heart; the emotional attachments you make determine the course of your life.”

Be extremely careful about who you choose to be with. Ya sure you can’t control when you fall for and how you fall, but you can control how you act and adapt to shit. People like to assume just because you fall for someone or like someone, you need to date them. I don’t care what people say, that’s a dangerous and weak way of looking at it. A person comes with a whole entire life to you and you gotta be very aware of all this. I know so many people that will be focused on something, get into a relationship and I see focus go out the window. Where your energy goes so too do your actions. People like to act like it’s part of fate and what not but I’ve seen, I got further when I was alone, and I’d rather keep my heart intact for someone when I know I’ve found myself and have created my happiness, than to whore my heart out to everyone I sleep with or like. I don’t just date anyone and I’m extremely selfish with my emotions because in the life game, emotions will fuck you up because they are at times childish. 

I’m not saying do what I do. I’m saying just stay woke and only allow yourself to act on emotions when you are happy with your life, yourself and when you know that the other person has done the same and can take you further than what you can take yourself. That way you won’t have to make stupid excuses people make when relationships end and they’ve wasted years of their lives. And yes I’ve been hurt before so now I’m WOKE!!! Haha

10.   Friends and family. 

Aha… Friendship. 

If you want to know who your true friends are, go broke, lose everything, lose all you can do for people and lose your spark, then those that remain and still fuck with you for your company, when you can do nothing for them, they are your friends. See when everything is taken away, the simplicity of our humanity shines through and if you can identify and stick with that then you know. Until then, 2015 taught me who my real friends are and who’s going to be with me forever. This applies to family too. Saw so many people turn their backs on us man. It was unbelievable to say the least but that’s what happened. Blood and friendship is overrated. It’s all about the people that just want to be around you when you have nothing, they aren’t friends or family, they are fucken soul mates and that’s what I fuck with. Once again STAY WOKE!! 

11.   Disappointments 

In terms of disappointments, they will happen, from life and from people. From life, it’s all a matter of responding and adapting. From people it’s a lil trickier, but it’s all in understanding that if someone loves or hates you, it was never anything you did, but something within themselves that they project towards you. If people disappoint you, it was never your issue. I used to spend so much time wondering what I did to people and what not but I see that it was never about me. It was never my issue. They say that the weather doesn’t concern itself with the criticism of people, and so that makes you realize that people will be people. It’s not your issue. Once again, check the people around you.

12.   Haters 

Haters will see you walking on water and say it’s because you can’t swim

Kills me every time… When you gain haters, and very few people support you, it’s all because you’ve become something that they wish they were. You always gotta be aware what people praise; most of the time people will praise mediocrity simply because it’s comfortable and relatable. When you rise, you fuck with the order of things. But it is at this stage where you must accept that you need to be your own cheerleader and not strive for the approvals. It is at this stage where you need to learn to want less and less likes for your epic posts on social media. This reversal of wants makes you realize that you’re rising. Fuck people and their addiction to average.. When you rise, you’ll either inspire people or get them to hate you. No in between. But remember, you are your own cheerleader, you don’t look down on anyone and you’re open to helping anyone that humbles themselves enough to ask for help. The rest of the people well, the longer they ask for help, the more their pride keeps them there and as much as they don’t fuck with you, they will watch… 

13.   Giving

People will ask me what the secret to success is. DJ Khaled has the Keys, but I got the juice! The secret to success is giving. Let me tell you, nobody has ever gotten poorer by giving. The laws of nature are fixed and cannot be changed by any person. Giving opens you up to prosperity. I learnt to give without expecting anything back. I also learnt to give quickly because he that gives quickly gives twice. Money, time, these articles and wisdom, I’ve given and I’ve sat here and seen shit come back to me. You see I’m writing this even though I don’t have to because I already know this, but if you’re reading this and it touches you and alters you in a positive way, I’ve helped the universe with what you asked of it and because of that the law says I’m supposed to be rewarded. I’m not surprised that the greatest breakthrough I’ve had has always been tied to giving. Start giving. Trust me!

14.   Success

Now in terms of success, I’ve already said that the secret is in giving. But why? Giving releases you from the things that hold you back. The more money you give, the less money becomes an issue that holds you back. The more time you give, the less time you’re afraid of losing and wasting. See success isn’t money; money is a result of success. Success is nothing but a choice and a feeling followed by persistent and consistent action towards and definite desire of one’s choice. So before anything manifests in reality, It is first a feeling of success within you that nobody can understand and the 5 senses still have to learn to create. So success is not the outcome, but the starting point. Everything else is just mere manifestation. In other words what happens is just reality trying to explain the feeling you had in 5 senses. It’s so simple I can’t believe it took me so long to figure this out but that was some real shit I just wrote just now!! 

15.   Money

Money well… I learnt that when you chase your purpose, you no longer have to chase your provision. The trick is to lose your fear of not having money, that will allow money to have less power of you and it will begin to chase you. I’ve become enlightened now and so money isn’t something I care about anymore, instead it worries itself about me now. I know that all money is, is economic energy that we use for our own uses, and so I’ve come to realize that money is a wonderful slave but a terrible master. Million or Billion is all relative to the value you create. And so being rich or poor isn’t a bank account, but a state of mind and a modus operandi. Do not chase success or money, but instead chase to be more valuable and you’ll flip the money protocols that society has forced you to abide by and you’ll open yourself up to abundance. First you learn, and then you drop the “L”. So I know now that riches, abundance and wealth are my birthright because everything in nature operates in abundance and so I decided to get the memo. Simple. 

16.   Focus /Mentality

Based on what I said above, the truth is that you’ll always live life according to the quality of your thoughts. You cannot trick this law. It’s all about mentality. People will call me greedy for wanting an epic life but when people see greed I see abundance. Why? Because greed's initial assumption is limitation of resources, and so to better myself, I must make someone worse off. Abundance assumes no limitation and so my mentality of the matter shifts. I’ve learnt that there is no lack of wealth in the world, just a lack of people who understand it and admit to themselves that they want it. My mentality, is sadly not limitation, I’d rather be poor than to not be rich because once again abundance is my birthright. I can create heaven here and it’s as simple as that. But it’s once again a matter of focus and mentality. This is why you must guard your thoughts at all costs; the magic is in the simplicity of all things. The difference between a 3rd world and 1st world country isn’t infrastructure or economy but mentality. That’s all. Change your mentality, you change your outcome. 

17.   The Process

They say that things you want will always come to you when you’re ready. When the process has finished its work with you, the gatekeepers of your wildest dreams have to move out the way. The process was all the lessons that you had to learn to be able to create and contain what you had chosen with your imagination. The grander the vision, the more difficult the process because the value of a mineral is always in direct proportion to the intensity of its refinement process.  All you gotta do is fall in love with your process and trust the fact that you are being refined and perfected for your chosen vision. 

18.   The Moment 

The day was the 1st of December 2015 and we had to go pick up the bottles as they were finally done. I sat there and realized that all the components required after 3/ 4 years were now here and it was all a matter of putting them together now. All I did that day was meet my future self.  When all you’ve ever wanted finally makes an appearance in the 5 senses you can’t help but burst into tears because you know what you went through. But now looking back, I see that the product always existed, the only thing was that I had to level up to meet it at its level. If I got it too early, I would’ve squandered it badly. The moment itself is priceless and I’ll forever be grateful for that. We welcome Lohocla™, the world’s first Anti Hangover Shooter that is also been clinically proven to improve motor skills, cognitive ability and co-ordination. YAAAASSSS!! From the mind to reality, fuck the word impossible. Make an pre-order at

19.   Belief

We are all gods with amnesia. What separates us from other animals on this planet is that we are the only humanoid species to exist here which means we are consciousness. This also means that we can be in control of our consciousness and thus become masters of our reality and universe. You see the supreme creator/ Master/God created the universe with a set of rules and programs that force it to abide to consciousness. When they said “Let us make man in our image” they said we are gods. The God gene is the imagination in us, the body is the expression of the soul in this dimension but the prerequisite for operating as a god i.e. unlocking the power of the imagination, is nothing but belief. It’s not about what you want, but about how much of what you want you believe is possible. Success for me was unlocking the belief in myself that says I can do and have whatever I want because I believe in myself enough to go after. So when I want something, I start off by saying thank you because I already know it’s mine, I don’t even doubt myself. They’ll call it arrogance but I trust my dopeness. Self belief!

20.   Happiness and love

The ultimate outcome of life is to live with happiness and love or their inverses. We trouble ourselves when we try to mix both. You’re either going to be a carrier of light or a bringer of darkness; anything in between is fluff and you become whatever you choose to feed. Happiness is created, it is not found. I’m in love with myself and my life and all that’s around me and I know I’m a warrior of light now. Whatever happens from this point I am not surprised about. I’m open to a lot of things now because I have mastered myself and regained my godliness and tapped into what is my birthright. I’m free and that’s as good as it gets. On a journey and it feels fucken amazing! Never look for happiness outside of yourself, create it within then you’ll see that it was never about what happens outside that makes you happy, but more about your understanding of it from within. If you inner language is happiness, you’ll interpret everything outside as happiness and create that and vice versa.
Maybe I might fall in love this year hahaha!

21.   Authenticity

I left the most important lesson for last. This is by far the biggest thing I learnt. You will know that you’re walking in your purpose when you no longer betray yourself. Authenticity is the greatest achievement because when you’re authentic, you’ve tapped into your true energy and you’ve become and are what you chose to be when you came here and that is your power. This is a point in your life where you no longer seek anything on the outside to approve or add to you. You no longer do anything you don’t want to and you don’t allow yourself to be in situations that fuck with you. That’s real shit and what comes after is also real. 

I know me now and I know my shit. I’m in control of my reality and am grateful for every moment. I know where I’m going. I plan to die empty and not old. I don’t see the point of being here for longer than what I need to because I’m in tune of myself. I’m merely here to share my gifts with the world, I’ve accepted my place in nature and I’m happy with who I’ve become. Extremely proud of me and my journey and I’m excited about the future and more importantly the things I’ll do and the people I'll meet and get touched by. It’s been a journey but I absorb it all and open to my highest potential. Fear no longer has any hold on me and I promise to give you real shit till the day I breathe my last breath. To all those that hurt me or I hurt, I forgive you and I hope I am also forgiven but if I’m not forgiven, it’s ok, I can no longer be contained by that, because it's petty. It doesn’t hurt me, but only hurts you, sorry.

Be real. Teach. Give. Love. Smile. Share. Live.

Fuck fame, Fuck money, Fuck fake shit… 2016 let’s go!!!! 

Catch me on Twitter & Instagram: @Lui_TheKid

Drake & Future – “Plastic Bags”

Drake – “Club Paradise”

Drake Ft Lil Wayne – “HYFR”

Drake – “Tuscan Leather”

Drake – “Headlines”

Kanye West – “I Wonder”

Future – “Jersey”

Kanye West – “Real Friends”

Beyonce – “I was Here”