Sunday, 9 November 2014

Success isn’t a monetary thing...

So there we were, in a club, with some amazing music playing in the background… For everyone out there, I have 3 friends who’ve basically stood by me through everything I’ve been through and they’re basically the people I’m mostly around. So back to my story, we were in the cluuuurb and I was sitting down talking to this girl, I’ll rate her at 8.5 for now because I didn’t have too much to drink but anyway, I looked around me, and when I looked, I spotted my mates, all 3 of them, being comfortable, each sitting with a hot girl, drink in hand and the girls they were with just having huge laughs. At this point I’m ignoring the girl I’m sitting with because why must hot girls always have your attention, you have to be able to own a situation as an alpha male, and in my mind she could wait a few more moments… Hot girls always expect attention because beta males just hand it to them but anyway I still got her number so hey, will probably text her after this post. 

I looked at us, the new us. I felt something change in the air and I immediately picked it up and told Vini too. Everything was the same but it felt different, different in a very good way. You know in the process of following your dreams as tough as is, you are built in a new way. Your outlook to everything changes and everything you go through is preparing you for what you asked the universe/God for. Something had changed in us and I could see it in the way we conducted ourselves. I looked at them in the face and I saw successful young people and this wasn’t a money thing. At that moment the word success revealed itself to me and it was such a powerful moment. I think if I wasn’t drinking the Ciroc in the club and I was in a cave I would’ve written a new chapter in the Bible or Quran or something, like why must religious writers always get their shit in a cave or the desert, but anyway let’s continue… 

Firstly I learnt one thing: SUCCESS IS NOT A MONETARY THING!!!
Ok fine, successful people have money I get it, but they aren’t successful because they have money, the money came as a result of the success they already had in them. Money was just a derivative.  
When I looked at my friends, and saw success, it wasn’t money I saw because Lord knows that the entrepreneur journey is a very broke one but we make things work (I suck at being modest I know). I looked at them and I saw a fire, an intention, a destination, an objective and what I saw was that this was producing an accidental form of success that even they couldn’t control. And so I’d like to define what the success I saw in them. 

 I think this is cool!

Success is a [decided intention]

This means that success is decision made by a person to have an intention to something and move it along to reality. No person can start a company or a dream without firstly deciding that it can be done before it’s embarked on. Nobody starts something they know will fail, this means that they start something with it first being successful in their minds. See the mind controls the outcome of any situation. My friends were not walking around with some half idea of who they were and what they wanted to get from the night. What determines a good night out is all about what you make of it. If you’re meeting people, guys or girls, dancing and whatever else goes in a night it’s is all in your hands. You decide the outcome using nothing but your intention. 

Success isn’t a journey

A lot of people like telling themselves that “success is a journey not a destination”. They don’t understand that all that this kind of thinking does is make them complacent to everything that’s going on in their lives. I’m not saying success is not a marathon because it is. But people live their lives thinking that where they are in life is ok and that there’s something waiting for them somewhere in life as long as they wait and pray for something even if it means that they must wait their whole lives for it. Success is not a journey; success is knowing what you want and attacking it with a ferociousness resembling a T-Rex that has been fasting for 40 days! Everything my friends and I want to do as a collective unit of friends is decided upon and put into action as soon as possible. You can’t want a wife or husband and sit at home all day everyday and think that they are just going to knock on your door one day because you’ve told yourself that “success is a journey.” I think success is a destination and then the decision and action to embark on the journey.

Success is infectious

Successful people are loved for the way they’re outlook on life is just so refreshing. Whenever I was around someone and heard their story of success it always energized me. When someone speaks from experience as opposed to knowledge you don’t hear it, you feel it. You just sense by a successful person’s aura that you’re in for a treat and that’s why society is attracted to successful people. If you know Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, you learn that self-actualization is on top of human desires. The problem with success is that it’s not taught in school and so can only be attained from people, which then thus makes it highly infectious.
Success is impregnating

Maya Angelou said: “Creativity doesn’t run out, the more you use the more you get.” In terms of success, if you wanted to launch a singing career and you eventually launch your first album, you quickly realize that you begin to get new ideas, new inspirations and new redefined versions of the success you once wanted. Success evolves with its owner and that evolution is more exponential than it is linear. You’ll see rich people get quicker to making $100 000 000 from $1 000 000 than getting to their first $1 000 000 from nothing. The more goals you set, the more goals you use.

Success is subjective [not] objective

The problem with society is that it creates these glamorous images and dream worlds using the media to make people want the same things, promising a certain feeling of happiness with them only for people to get there and realize that it was all a lie. You can make all the money you want to make, but money sadly doesn’t buy happiness. Success can never be defined by someone else for you. Only you have the stuff that you have and your stuff will only respond to the success that’s yours that came because it required you to activate all that stuff in you. Hope I made sense there. When I didn’t care to attend my own graduation, a lot people were telling me I’m crazy or that I’m ungrateful and therefore have to go. The truth is that I had already defined what my success was and so I didn’t attend it because it wasn’t for me. I wasn’t going to have that happy feeling because I already knew what my heart longed for. And that’s what I want to do with everything in my life even down to having a family one day; make it your own otherwise you’ll wonder why something you attain doesn’t feel as amazing as it should because guess what?? IT WASN’T YOURS TO BEGIN WITH!!!!!!! 

Success leaves clues

Success isn’t something that one should be oblivious to. Success leaves clues. If you want to see whether you’re successful, all you have to do is look back on your life and see the things that really stretched you that made you feel successful having achieved them. Your past and present is a wonderful inference for your future. The current will be the past you use in the future to look for clues regarding another future you wish to create. But if you look back at where you’ve achieved success, you’ll notice it required sacrifice, taking some sort of risk, determination and a harnessing of focus on something and that should signal to you that you already know what goes into attaining success in any place of your life.  

Success is inspirational

When I was starting out with my company and even now, whenever I feel down, frustrated or de-motivated, I watch “The social network” and after seeing how Facebook was created I get a sense of excitement for what I am doing or trying to do. The truth is that there’s nothing more powerful than seeing that something you previously thought was impossible is now possible. When I hear success stories, I get excited because it tells me that success is still in the world and it’s still attainable. Imagine the world without people having anything to look forward to in life. Success is what built the great empires of the past and all that’s now around us. It’s all in success creating more of itself. 

Success isn’t selfish

Have you ever noticed how some people accumulate knowledge and never share it?? Successful people look at the world and are shocked by how much potential people actually have and the opportunities that are always available. It’s a kind of shock that turns into excitement to simply share their knowledge. When I first started writing my first book, I was excited at the prospect of being an author but a few pages in I realized that our gifts don’t belong to us but to humanity and life. Your character is yours, but your gifts belong to humanity. If someone has been able to understand, harness and unleash success in their lives, the gifts that now become more focused and manifest themselves no longer belong to them. In my case I’ve been blessed with the mind that I have and I’ve realized that the gift doesn’t belong to me but to society. I don’t see the point of being selfish and my understanding of success forces me to share, otherwise I wouldn’t sit here for 6 hours writing a post. You can’t call yourself successful if you don’t put people on, and don’t share. I’m sorry but that’s just selfishness and lame.
Success has to be loyal

There’s a karmic law that goes a lil something like this: “You are free to pursue all the success you want in the world as long as you don’t stop or hinder the success of others in the process.” Basically, Don’t SCREW PEOPLE OVER! You cannot use someone as a stepping stone and then expect to remain successful. Success is a delicate balance of thoughts and energies and once you get that guilty feeling going on, it creates its own thoughts and energies that influence you and your life. I don’t think one can live life while constantly looking over their shoulder. If you’ve screwed someone over, apologize and pay them back what was due to them. If someone screws you over, don’t try fight back, that’s all negative energy, success doesn’t work on a one hit wonder system, if you could do it once, you can do it again. 

Success is predictable 

Unlike winning the lottery, which is a stroke of some serious luck, and because success is intentional, it doesn’t come as a surprise to the person who pursues it. It’s not enough to be on your way to success in anything that you do, one must also be able to feel/asses ones proximity to the goal. If you’ve been on a long flight anywhere you’ve never been you’ll know just how alert the body becomes as soon as you get close to your destination. Call it excitement or a whole new set of decisions but whatever it is, successful people will know how it feels when they get close to their goals so it comes as no surprise. I mean you’ve beeeeen waiting.

Success can’t be capped and there’s no “enough”

People will always talk shit about wanting just “enough” success, not knowing that that sort of thinking breeds nothing but a stern complacency. If you limit the amount of success you want, you limit and underestimate the amount of effort that must go into it. You either want to be successful or you’re happy with where you are, there is no middle ground. 

Success isn’t genetic nor is it a bloodline

If you read Malcolm Gladwell’s book called “outliers,” he sort of explains the factors that go into success based on historical evidence and some sociology. He mentions parents, mindset, and time in history, history of the people, culture and personal ambition as some of the factors. Nowhere does he mention genetics or some royal bloodline as most people would like to think. Just because your parents were successful doesn’t mean you will be, because you have to find your own subjective version of success to be happy.  

Success breeds more success in multiples

In science there’s a principle called “Resonance” which is the ability of a vibrating to make a non vibrating object vibrate. The same thought extrapolation applies to success. They often tell you to watch your friends because “Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future.” The truth is that the people around you will either affect you positively or negatively. If being around unsuccessful people makes you unsuccessful, then being around successful people will make you successful because one can’t fully embrace one entity without mentally accepting its inverse. If you want to speed up your success, be around successful people and let their energy rub off you and you’ll instantly start tapping into the laws that govern success. Success works just the same way as how one seed can produce a whole crop. It’s all multiplicative.


I’ve mentioned a couple of points regarding success and they all were things I realized when I was looking at my friends doing what they were doing. Here’s a bunch of guys who share a story of trials, tribulations to triumph and success filled minds. If there’s one thing I saw with us is that we carry some sort of life with us that doesn’t run out. Bob Marley said that the success of a man is not determined by how much wealth he accumulates but in his ability to affect those around him positively

When I looked at them they taught me that success is not one thing and it’s also not monetary. Success is frame of mind; it’s an understanding of the game of life and deciding to do something and doing it. It’s the understanding to see the current situation you’re in and quickly figure out a way to win. It’s a power to make anything you touch turn into gold. If you want to be rich, you have to have be successful inside before in manifests physically. 

This means that success is a mindset, a thought process or a sort of mods-operandi. Anyone can be successful if they change their attitudes, stop making excuses & take control for every outcome in their lives (good and bad.) I think if someone can take the credit when they win they should similarly take the responsibility for when they lose. The single greatest lesson I’ve learnt is that once someone can get over the fear of being a beginner when deciding to try something, they can do so much and achieve phenomenal success in anything. Aristotle said that excellence is a habit

Success isn’t permanent and must therefore be kept. I get so sick of people who love talking about their former glories of days past as if that’s all it’ll ever be. You can’t cut your grass once and expect it to stay that way forever. You have to constantly cut it and the same works for success. It’s not enough to be successful in one area of life; one must strive to be successful in every area of life. Health, career, family, goals, ideals and mindset so never ever allow yourself to get complacent and comfortable. 

My friends have shown me that life is about making the best out of every situation and deciding the outcome before you even tackle it. They’ve reminded me that life is simple and it’s really about having fun. Happiness and money are only the signs that say that success is present in one’s life and I’ve seen that no matter how low things can get sometimes, we somehow remain happy and pull each other up when necessary and that is success. It’s not monetary it’s an everyday mentality to everything that says I WILL WIN!! 

I’m tired of people not being successful in their lives. I’m appalled by the negativity I sense all around me every day and I write this knowing that not everyone will agree with me but I really don’t care, I know that as I sit here typing this in the study in South Africa, this post will at least touch and change one person in the world somewhere and that’s good enough for me. Go and pursue your success and know that it’s not limited, genetic, money, unattainable or objective. The only way to be successful at anything is to make It your own and remember that it’s not the cards you were born with that matter, but the cards that fall out of your hand the day you breathe your last breath.  

G - Eazy - "Almost famous" 
Drake - "6 God" 
J Cole - "Song for the ville" 

You need to learn a new way to think in order to master a new way to be

I sit here and look back at my life with the assistance of my journal and I’m absolutely blown away by what a different direction my life took as opposed to where I was 3 or 4 years back. The funny thing is that I feel as though I've left so many clues for myself over time in the form of the first book I wrote, my notes on Facebook and my journals. People will ask me how I changed my life from being the student who was failing at university for just finding far more interesting things to do even deciding not to write some of my exams to running a company and being flown all over the world for free, inventing things, writing and speaking where I do. Clearly something in my life has triggered a change and that has brought me to the new me; the person full of life and who’s awake to all the wonderful possibilities that have always right sat in front of my eyes. 

I went to like 4 different universities/colleges in South Africa and at some point I wanted to go to Harvard and I guess make it number 5 on my university/college infidelity but that didn’t happen. I remember in 2009 when I was at home after being kicked out twice by the University of the Witwatersrand because they figured I had massive potential but didn’t care but they were right. I remember being at home for the first 6 months of 2009 thinking what a big fuck up I’ve made of my life and it broke me down. How did I go from being an “A” student in school to being what they labeled me as a failure in varsity? How did I squander the law degree, engineering degree and business degree that I tried to study?? Tears couldn’t even begin to express what I was going through and to make it all worse, my parents were getting divorced and the girl I was dating at the time decided to lie to me and secretly see her ex while being with me so I was alone. How the fuck did I get to where I am now?? That’s been my question. It was a totally dark place that only seemed to get darker and darker. How did I get back into the university that kicked me out twice, to finally finish a degree even though I hated the education system? How did I apply myself, fight my way to where I am to completing the degree, deciding not to even attend the graduation all the way to coming up with insane ideas and see those closest to me achieve their dreams concurrently with my mine?? All these things came down to one thing and that is the quality of my thoughts and the attitude they formed in me that then influenced my decisions, actions and then finally my life

What was happening to me?

Your attitude determines your altitude” – I don’t know

2009 was the worst year of my life but in hindsight, it was the greatest gift I ever received making it the worst best year of my life. There’s a Tswana saying (which is a language in South Africa) that says: “Lefatshe ema, ire ke fuluge…” this means, “World stop, let me get off.” What happened to me was that I got off the ride the world and society was taking me on and I had to fend for myself. I had to unlearn all the programmes I was taught because they no longer served me; I was a failure according to them. I had to learn to harness the creativity the school system didn’t kill in me and somehow use it. I was discovering who the fuck I was and what the fuck I was brought here to be/do. I was being taught to take control of my mind, my thoughts and ultimately my life, yet I didn’t know it at the time. Steve jobs did say one can only connect the dots looking backwards, not looking forward

What did I do?

In the same way doctor’s study further in order to specialize, I was studying myself and the inner power I possessed and then learnt to harness it and redirect it to an object of my choosing. I read book after book, changed what I was watching, studied the stories of successful people and decided to give myself a chance. I took a risk and invested in myself. I remember reading a quote which said: “do something today that your future self will thank you for.” And that was what was happening. I learnt to become productive, and I’m in no way using the word in its watered down form. I made sure I was always producing something, I made sure I was always “pregnant” and as a result, always giving “birth” to something, by bringing ideas to some form of physical manifestation. It didn’t matter to me whether the “baby” was worthwhile or not, I was always giving birth to something that affected reality somehow. Just to let the idea universe know that I could be trusted. I wrote a 406 page book called #LifeLoveWhatever which got rejected because I was apparently too young to write and other bullshit they told me. I put up videos on YouTube expressing my thoughts on life and shit. I always wrote a “business plan” for ideas I had even though I always ended up at road blocks but hey, I remained pregnant and in labour and I had no time for “mental contraception.” I taught my left hand how to write because I wanted to prove to myself that anything is possible and that journey has now turned into a second book called “From right to left”. I decided to fight my way back to school because I now looked at school as a constructive place to waste time while I figured out what I wanted to do. I mean who wouldn’t want to be around hot girls, conversations and free internet??? 

My book "cover" for my first book written in 2011. 

The book manuscript. 2011

Printed many sheets like this with quotes and pasted them all over my room. 

I was reading some weird shit. 

Day 1 of writing with my left hand in 2012. 

A few months later. I even answered a section in my final exam using my left hand haha!

How did I make it through school, while always being “Pregnant”?

Here’s something sobering; WE ALL HAVE 24 HOURS IN A DAY. The difference is in how YOU choose to spend it. How you chose to spend your time will determine what your life turns out to be. I was sleeping 3 to 4 hours juggling school, some club activation job I had, writing, recording YouTube videos, reading books and articles. I wasn’t spending too much time with people or partying and so time for a girlfriend wasn’t there although I was having stupid amounts of sex but you can’t be great if you can’t at least get laid, we have to be honest. I developed a bit of a drinking a habit to allow myself to cope with it all but I managed my time effectively and my life just adapted I guess. My mind was running my body.

The alcohol thing was pretty intense.

How did I know I was on the right track??

I DIDN’T!!!! Coco Chanel said: “Many things stop mattering when one stops trying to be something and starts trying to be someone.” I just knew that I was trying to be someone now and somehow someway, you learn to activate and listen to your intuition and instincts because they already know who you want to be and they produce feedback for you in the form of some really good feeling regardless of what you’re going through. It’s like that feeling before an exam that determines how much of your work you know and that feeling after that tells you whether you passed or not and determines how much you were now going to bother Jesus with your prayers haha!! The truth is that you don’t know, but somehow you know… It’s weird but that’s the best I can say for now.

Was it scary??

Hell fucken yes!! I mean look at it this way, I was the only blueprint of a blueprint I was trying to be that didn’t exist. That shit scares you. You wake up In the middle of the night because it takes thaaaat amount of thinking about your dream in order to produce the right amount of energy to the universe so that the universe can return it back as an experience. Everything is about energy. Without proper thought projection and energy production, one cannot create the reality one wishes to experience. People don’t understand and they call you crazy but that’s also how you know that you’re on the right track. If people love what you’re doing, you’re doing it wrong sadly. People have been taught what to praise in society and also what to socially crucify. And they’ve been bred to socially crucify anyone’s self awakening but it then comes down to your consistency and determination. Eventually they stop laughing at you and they let you be as long as you accept your label as weird or crazy. The trick is to cut negative people off quickly; they will kill your dream quickly with their negativity. 

How long did it take?? 

From 2009 to now has been *as I do the maths*……………………5 years!!! Half a decade hey.

Was it worth it??

I’m going to write a post called “The opportunity cost of following your dreams” after this post because that requires a post of its own. 

 So what was the outcome?

The outcome of this whole journey is the fact that I’m free now. They say freedom is expensive which pretty ironic but it’s true. I live in a world where I see the opportunities in front of me jumping up and down for me to pick them. They are all over; my mind sees them all now and also gives me ways of how to see them through to completion. I get to wake up when I want, only schedule meetings between 10am and 2PM. Travel for free, get paid to speak and can have the privilege of seeing whatever thoughts I have come to life. There’s no meeting that we’re in that the word “million” isn’t included when discussing financial matters. I’m seeing my friends’ dreams come true slowly but surely and I’m sharing all the shit that I’ve learnt with everyone because knowledge is power and it’s powerful when applied and passed on. Oh and I can use both hands to write now, which is pretty cool! I remember a poem by called Ulysses, and in that poem the poet says “I’ve been a part of everything that I’ve seen” and that’s what I strive now, to be a part of everything I encounter. This whole life thing is fun and ima live it till I die. 

 I get to be cool. 

REALLY cool. 
I get to hang on rails.
I get to make shit. 

Think ima even get back to breakdancing. 

 My job basically now.

I’m happy!! *insert Pharell song*

 decided to even take a selfie. This is the new me!


Life gives us one gift which is time and society gives us 2 gifts which are money and freedom. Now how it works is pretty simple. You’re told you can only have 2 of the 3 at a time and so when you’re a teenager you have time and freedom but no money, so you’re only ready to trade. When you work, you have time and money but no freedom and so you look forward to “retiring.” When you finally retire, you have money and freedom but have sadly run out of time. They don’t teach you that you can have all 3. I always say people who claim you can’t have it all didn’t try hard enough and those are just excuses that they tell themselves so make them feel better about their lives. Excuses are nothing but lies wrapped up in reasons. The truth is that you have to learn to take control of your mind. Your thoughts determine your decisions/actions which then determine your results. We are all where we are today because of the decisions and actions we’ve taken that stemmed from our thoughts, and this then means that 2 years from now we will be exactly where our thoughts lead us. 

Your thoughts determine your friendships; your friendships determine your conversations and your conversation determine your life. It all stems from your thoughts. To enhance your life you need to enhance your actions and your thoughts. This means yes, YOU HAVE TO ENHANCE YOUR MIND!! If you think small, you act small and your results will be small. If you think BIG, your actions will be BIG and so too your results. There’s no real secret to success or anything major or genetic, all you have to do is read and enhance your mind. Only 5% of the population reads at least one book a month and the rest wonder why they are where they are. You don’t see with your eyes, you see with your mind. They say that if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. What happened here? You’ll see the same shit but you’ll respond differently. I stopped looking at university as a cemetery and started looking at it as a constructive place to waste time while I figured shit out and all I had to do to earn an extra year was to pass. When I finally figured it out, I decided to load all my courses in one year (they said I was crazy and nobody had done so many courses and that I was going to fail and they also added my track record but I fucked all the courses up and told them to keep the degree). We can agree that the university stayed the same but I’m the one who changed how I viewed it. 

Stay away from small minded people, they will kill your ambition and confine your mind into small enclosures. 

Freedom is expensive as ironic as that sounds but it’s true. You have to be willing to go into the dark where it’s cold and lonely to find yourself and discover all the sub-atomic and sub-molecular particles that you’re made of. When you realize that the same shit that creates Jupiter is the same shit you’re made of, you can’t help but have a sick smile. When you find out who you are, nobody impresses you and everything falls into place. Embrace the dark and say to yourself “Lefatshe ema, iri ke fuluge” but most importantly you have to read! If 95% of people don’t read a book a month, all you have to do to be different is to read one book a month, nothing major JUST READ A BOOK A MONTH!! Imagine if you read 2 or 3 a month. Your mind affects your attitude and your attitude determines your altitude. I read like 10 articles a day and like 5 books a month, and have been doing so for years now so best believe I’m a totally weird human being but hey. Remember, ALWAYS PRODUCE, ALWAYS HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX WITH YOUR MIND AND GIVE BIRTH!! You can’t reap unless you’ve sown, and I’ll even go as far as using words from the Bible:

Go yea therefore and multiply” – Somewhere in Genesis. (See it’s even in the Bible)

“Mighty is he who can control others, but even mightier is he that has mastered himself” – Lao Tzu

Also note that what you read when you don’t have to, will determine who you will be when you can’t help it.

What a journey!!! Grateful...

Here’s an epic read!! 

A drake song as I always do. 

Drake ft Lil Wayne – “HYFR”
Drake – “How about now”
Drake – “6 God”

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

If people show you who they really are, BELIEVE them!!

Ok time to be real and direct with something I’ve really been finding fascinating in life since I heard Oprah say this on some YouTube clip, but first a picture... 

Ok picture done & this will be a quick post. If you’re reading this you’re in one or two of 3 classes of people; the ones who’ve been betrayed (I’ll call this being snaked from now on), you’ve snaked someone or you’re simply not into reptiles and have never snaked or been snaked and I hope it stays that way.
So now I’m 26 now and I think life only started mattering after varsity so in light of that I can safely say I’m 8 years old in real life years. In those 8 years however, I’ve seen things and seen the true nature of people because I think High School was just a comfortable place for us to act like we were all friends when in actual fact some people were simply learning the art of slithering and some were unaware that they’d need anti venom for the future but hey we were just people thinking we knew life. Varsity and post varsity is where you began to see the truth about people. Let me start of by reiterating the fact that IF A PERSON SHOWS YOU WHO THEY REALLY ARE, BELIEVE THEM! OTHERWISE THEY'LL SHOW YOU THE SAME THING TWICE!!

Here’s another free pic: 

Let me start off by saying that I fall under the category that has been snaked. I’ve been betrayed by a lot of people, males and females and that’s why I can write this to you today. The reason I write this is because I just want to speak truth and attack some mental myths we create for ourselves. 

Free pic!

To the snake-es

Well let’s start off by saying that when you’re snaked, IT HURTS!!  Yup it hurts lol! I think the reasons it hurts isn't because of the action but more who the actions came from. Sometimes the people you’d take a bullet for are the ones with their fingers on the trigger and that’s why it hurts. I’ve had the unfortunate pleasure of having people I thought were my close friends go behind my back and slither on in a cold blooded fashion and when I found out I don’t think it was the fact that it happened that got to me, it was more the horror of the who and the how. Have you ever noticed how when someone snakes you, and they come apologize they make it seem like it was some mistake, not taking into account that the whole snaking business was a pre-meditated thought. A best friend of mine, JJ, told me something interesting the other day, he said: “The voice of conscience is so delicate that it’s easy to stifle it, but it is also so clear that it is impossible to mistaken.” This means that people know beyond a reasonable doubt when they do shit they’re not supposed to do which means this kills the “mistake” argument of it all. Look unless snakes posses the gift of teleportation and their lives are lived at the speed of light and they simply end up in situations second after second then they really mustn’t come & talk shit about things being a mistake and that their sorry. I’ve seen that to snakes, it’s easier for them to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission.
The people that are snaked are the ones who are forced to accept the apology and somehow move on and be civil. What I’ve seen is that we form groups of friends because of similarity in cause and effect and we feel like we should remain friends with snakes because of familiarity and the fear of the unknown in terms of friends we think we won’t find in the future. Look this is simple, my dad told me that people don’t change as much as you can think otherwise or want to give them a second “chance” whatever the fuck that means. This means you shouldn’t be afraid to get to a point where you simply write people off. There’s no bitch-niggarism in that, if your leg is infected and can kill you, you amputate that bitch, you don’t let it spread because it’ll kill you. 

Yes this mainly relates to girls between guys and guys between girls and other forms of snaking. I’ve seen that people who snake you simply have no respect for other people and feel that they can disrespect people because of whatever reasons or ideas of superiority they have over others and everyone else is supposed to accept it but I have the balls to speak my mind and say that’s bullshit. 

The world is big, there are too many people in life to meet, so don’t be afraid to serve snakes with papers telling them in bold, italics, underline and in Times New Roman font that you are from this moment effective immediately writing them off and move on with life. Stop being a pussy going on about that being civil shit because all that will do is waste your time and energy with people that will show you the same thing they showed you before come on!!! If you know me you know that I can't stand to be made to look like an idiot hey but hey Lol that’s done. 

Free Pic!

To the snakes

Look man, let me let you in on something real quick; when you people do the shit that you do and come apologise, trying to explain why it all happened and stuff, understand that there’s no point. You’ve already done what you wanted to do with little regard for the people and the consequences of your actions. Your apology just means that you want to eat you cake and eat it and it’s not sincere at all. An apology is, "Sorry for dropping your phone, I didn't mean to." or "Sorry for scratching your car." Apologizing is for feeling remorseful for doing something you did that you had no intention of doing i.e. A [[MISTAKE!!]]. Not when you carefully plan shit and get caught out. You just feel sorry for being caught and the way things have changed and want to try salvage what you have left and try by all means to make things ok but here’s another free piece of advice for you; You can try whatever and even apologize till you look like a rainbow facially but it’s not going to change anything, you have forced me to react to your actions and I have, and there’s something inside of me that just doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore and even I can’t change that. Trust is like a glass, once it breaks, you can do all that you can to put the pieces together with super glue, but you’ll always be able to see the cracks. Just be upfront and tell the person you snaked the truth, tell them: “Dude I knew what I was doing and I’m not sorry at all, I don’t regret anything, I’m just sorry for how the consequences feel” and then move on with life hey. Remember it’s not so much what you do to people that hurts them, that will always happen, it’s all about who you are or in this case “were” to that person and [[HOW]] you did it that hurts and defines you as a snake. So remember, forget about what you did, your biggest issue is who you were and how you did what you did that’s the issue and that’s something you can never apologise for.  Let’s keep it simple people lol!! 

Another free pic!


Not everyone has your best interests at heart, I learnt that the hard way.To me trust and loyalty are the only currencies that matter to my life right now; everything else is just a facade. I don’t see the point of being friends with people I can’t trust, I mean what's the point. Just another new human thing we do because we’re afraid of being real and upfront with people and so we put up with them and their bullshit. We find comfort in being the “better person” and being “civil” but that’s honestly being fake. Never be afraid to state your stance with people, be clear about it and stand by your convictions. Take out that “Fuck you” from your pocket like a referee and flash it regardless of how people will take it, the right people in your life will understand, everyone else is just a useless audience. 90% of friendship comes from 10% of your friends and the other 10% comes from 90% of the fake relationships we tolerate as human beings because of our need to be accepted or whatever the fuck we need nowadays. 

I don't posses that “being the better man” gene sadly. I’m also not one to smile with the enemy because, unlike most people I am unafraid to state and stand to my position with people and have never been afraid to speak the truth even if it’s not convenient. If people call that arrogant or insensitive then so be it, I did say that 90% of people in our lives are nothing but audiences. And having said that I just want to make it clear that I’m not a better man, I’m not the type to allow people to do shit to me and I am expected to just sit, smile & carry on with my life, na homie I’m the type to clap back because karma sometimes takes too long. And I’m just being honest, “a slither for a slither, an eye for an eye, a fake smile for a fake smile” and I'm very patient, I feel sometimes you have to teach people a lesson they'll never forget but ya. Doesn’t have to be in the same way it was done to me but I never at any moment ever said I’m perfect, I have always stated I’m me with all of my strengths and weaknesses. I'm efficient, strategic and because I don’t go to church, that forgiveness shit also doesn’t apply to me. So yeah, to everyone out there have a nice day, to all the snakes out there especially the ones that have ever snaked me (guys and girls) here’s one more free picture: 

Let’s all just live and be real hey, life is too short to live it living a lie...  (((BOOM))) 

J Cole – “Land of the snakes”
Drake – “Say whats real”