Monday 5 May 2014

From Student to Entrepreneur. 22 priceless things I learnt.

I’ve been getting asked by a number of people who are looking to be entrepreneurs regarding the entrepreneurial journey. I love the fact that the first thing all of them seem to ask is “What are the challenges like” or “How tough is it?” as opposed to “How fun/cool is it?” 

So it all got me thinking of my journey, so much so that I went to my journal to reflect on all the dormant but forgotten emotions & experiences I went through in the past 2 years and what I found was rather interesting. You have to understand that I went from being a student, finishing with an Economic Science major that I didn’t care about, so much so that I didn’t even bother with the graduation ceremony. I guess something greater was repelling it all and leading me to other unexplored shores. So I decided to write a post that speaks about things I’ve learnt and someone will learn as they make a huge transition from playing it safe to taking the risks required to an internally directed & successful life. What people must understand is that being an entrepreneur is just a word we use for a person who just has a vision inside of him/her to create/do something for other people that ends up making money ( some French dude coined the word in the 1800s). The same principles I’m about to mention apply to any path of high resistance that a person undertakes, almost like the decision to lose weight, move cities, change jobs etc. This is just me sharing experiences that I went through in my life that should by no means be duplicated, instead take what I went through and somehow transform it so that it matters to you...

Disclaimer: Extremely low amounts of bullshit are found in this article. Not for sensitive readers, if you’re sensitive & love bullshit then stop reading!!

*Your honour I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God* hahaha!

1. Your Primary Aim/Outcome/vision.

“A victorious person wins & then goes to war; a defeated person goes to war and then hopes to win.” – Sun Tzu 

Regardless of what any person decides to do in life, the most important thing of all is the primary aim/outcome/vision. You have to have a clear picture of the destination before you embark on a journey, otherwise how will you know what needs to be done? More importantly you have to have the end goal in mind but must also know the signs or feelings that signal your proximity to the end goal otherwise you’re really just wasting your time taking risks that lead nowhere. So ask yourself, what do I really want? What kind of life do I want? And if the destination has been found, set course and be on your way Swimple! [Simple + swift = Swimple]

2. All the quotes by people in history regarding “Success” are true. 

I’ve come to understand this major point in a very sobering way. I came to realize that people who have the time and conviction to write about achieving success are simply sharing something they are living and helped them achieve it. Nobody just writes something for no reason because people write things down that matter to them, so if that something ends up being a popular quote then best believe it’s true. How many picture quotes or quotes do you just retweet/share as opposed to absorbing or applying? People love the feelings they derive by these quotes & the “likes” they’ll receive by sharing and never apply them, I think it makes them feel/seem smart but anyway Trust me, they are TRUE!!

3. Innovation 

Understand that there’s a difference between being a business person and being an entrepreneur. A business person finds something to sell and acts as a transactor or middle man between two people. An entrepreneur [creates] something new and useful for the people that is derived from a need or gap he/she saw. Innovation has unlimited forms and can come from anywhere, but it is a prerequisite for being an entrepreneur. Build/create something with love for the people that solves a problem or improves their lives. I was once told by an exceptional girl while we were walking in the mall that stores simply don’t give people an experience anymore and that’s what she wants to do. Those words changed my life that day although I doubt she realizes it. Don’t imitate, Innovate!

4. Passion > Money

Passion is the single greatest force that i’ve come to understand and embrace. Never do something with money as your primary goal because there’ll be many days in your journey that will look like you’re never gonna make money and that’s where passion is needed to get you through. Passion is a force multiplied and even though money is a great motivator, it sadly isn’t a propulsion force; so chase the dream and let the money chase you. It’s all about persistence and grit. Passion will help you hold on because that’s what it comes down to. You can’t do anything great without passion.  

5. It’s all about trying!

They say that making the decision to try takes you 50% of the way there. Now that we know that all these things “they” say are true, I think we’re done here. 

6. Fear Vs Danger

 I watched a lame movie with Will Smith and his son in it, forgot what it was called, but I found the underlying fight against fear to be rather intriguing. There was a part that where he explains the difference between fear and danger; he said that danger is very real whereas fear is all in the mind. When you see a tiger you run because it is a dangerous animal; but failure, debt & ridicule are all fears that are in the mind. If you understand quantum physics and maybe embrace the multiverse theory then you’ll know that something like failure is only [ONE] outcome of an infinite amount of possibilities and your mind chooses to focus on it but you have to overcome it. I’ll go as far as saying: “If it can’t kill you then that feeling you have is bullshit!”

7. Temporary Sacrifices

They say: “When you gain a vision for your life, you lose your friends.” The thing you have to understand is that there are major [temporary] sacrifices you have to make. If you can’t make them then you sadly won’t make it out. You have to understand that things like partying, socializing and love fly out the window for a bit. You can’t afford to be caring about concepts like Friday or December because those are simply destinations for average people. Remember that you are building a life that will allow you to do whatever the fuck you want whenever you want to do it with whoever, wherever. People who are too afraid to let go of comforts of life to achieve greatness, will never make it. Be ready to lower your expenses, shop less, less take outs & less of a good time with normal people out there. (You’ll end up being a good cook lol!) 

8. Time (80% reduction of TV, entertainment i.e. Distractions)

There’s one excuse I hear a lot from people who have full time jobs but have ideas and want to branch off towards their own businesses and that excuse is: “I don’t have enough time.” Ummmm ok... sorry to burst your bubble, we all have 24 hours hey, what makes us different is how we choose to spend those 24 hours. They complain about not having time, yet they want waste their time watching series upon series, partying and all that bullshit that’s simply put there to distract you. I had to choose and reduce what I watch because I understood what was at stake, so I settled to watching Suits, Naruto (anime) and maybe 1 or 2 other shows, because there’ll be days you have to escape. If people wanted to go out and I didn’t want to go out, I stayed home, regardless of what they said to me, I figured fuck them, I’m tryna be great!

9. Accepting yourself 

Here’s something interesting, we are all already different so it’s not about trying to be different, it’s all about [accepting] yourself, your difference & acting on it. If people call you weird or strange, then you’re doing it right, the right people will stay and the wrong people will leave, laugh at you, talk shit about you, but secretly admire you. You will begin to distance yourself from a lot of people and that’s also ok. Society rules people with a low self-esteem and they’re all unknowingly pessimistic, so you have to distance yourself from people like that, especially the ones with fancy jobs who think they understand business when they actually don’t know shit. You’ll notice how your reality starts to clash with people and that’s also a good sign. When they love Friday, hate Monday, love public holidays & wait for December and you love Monday, hate Friday, hate public holidays and couldn’t care less about December then you know you’re on your way. Time is really an illusion so spend time alone, listen to your inner voice and let that be your one and only guide.

10. Put yourself out there and open yourself up to variety

 What I’ve seen is that we naturally are social beings that have a need to always meet new people yet once again our great friend “society” has instilled this fear into us that paralyzes us. It defines people as introverts and extroverts which is all once again a silly concept because even “introverts” know people. If they really were introverts they wouldn’t know people. So we’re all “extroverts” we just have different degrees of it. Never be afraid to put yourself out there, go to a bar alone and have a drink while talking with people. Variety is intelligence to me & the more things you open yourself up to, the more your mind learns to adapt and mix ideas. So if you’re black, go to white parties and vice versa, sure we are culturally different but we are fundamentally similar and those differences are actually fascinating. Date a black, white, yellow or purple girl/guy, life is too short and too exciting to stick to what you know always.

11. Network
“You’re only as effective as your network.”
“Your network determines your net-worth.” 
This point goes with the previous one, but it needed its own title because this is probably the one thing you have control over that will ensure your success. Everything you need is sitting in the minds of people around you and more importantly in their phonebooks. Remember & utilize that but don’t steal it, ima use it for my next book!
12. Read & keep a journal

Stop wasting your time with shit that doesn’t matter. Stop reading novels & bestsellers (well temporary) because they don’t help anything but build your literacy skills and let’s face it, you passed English in high school long ago. Go get yourself books from people who went in the same directions you’re afraid of going in. Get books on things that fascinate you, on the life you want to live and experience. Once again, switch the TV off and party less, you can watch all the TV you want on your yacht and throw the best parties on it too, but for now read shit that matters to you and your journey. When reading business books also try not to follow them blindly, different businesses mean different experiences and there’s like a 0,00000000001% chance that you’ll go through what they went through so make what you read your own. I make sure I read at least 5 articles I somehow find on the net and read at least 2 books a month.
“Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers”
Keeping a journal is also extremely important because it lets your mind know that what it thinks & experiences is important enough to take time and document. Think of your mind as its own personality that talks to you, and if you treat it like someone important enough for you make notes on what it thinks, it simply won’t stop talking & sharing its deepest thoughts and secrets with you. Trust yourself and the power of your ideas!

13. Music

“Music is what feelings sound like”

I don’t know how much people value music but music got me through some really terrible and dark days. I don’t know why music has the mood altering power it has but make music your best friend throughout the journey because it will change your frowns into smiles. And once again embrace all kinds of music, don’t be too black or white just live!

14. Be ready for all kinds of bullshit, stress and lack of sleep

Life never goes according to plan so why should business or your dreams be any different. There’ll be days where you literally want to shoot yourself and everything in the room with a chain-gun because things will frustrate you to a point of no return. You’ll lose and gain weight, lose sleep and have mood swings like a pregnant woman who’s expecting triplets but once again this is another reason why you need passion & music, they will get you through. Remember: “What you’re going through is preparing you for what you asked for or wanted.” Exercising is also a must.

15. Changes

“People will look at you strange saying you’ve changed as if you worked so hard to stay the same” – Jay-Z

I am under the belief that a human being changes one for one with the experiences he/she faces. Think of experiences and changes as perfectly complementary goods (It’s good to know that my Economic Science degree wasn’t such a waste) and so if point 14 made you aware of the many experiences you will go through then imagine the changes. That’s right, you’re gonna change more times weekly than Kim Kardashians lovers. You’re going to become harder towards society, somewhat insensitive, have a low tolerance for weak people and their problems, girls with no ambition won’t interest you anymore, you’ll become more enlightened, want to spend more time alone or with people that matter, become a control freak, love life and become more curious. You’ll be going through things and making decisions that your corporate friends will only be able to make in 20 years of service, that shit will change you. 

16. Self education

Eventually you realize that what we learnt in formal education was simply a waste of time because we were not taught how to deal with world the way it truly is. So it’s on you to learn shit that nobody is willing to pay you to learn. Average people believe that information they come into contact with is enough and they’ll even pat themselves on the back whenever they watch the Discovery channel or Nat Geo. But to you who want to be great, it isn’t so. Your journey forces you to read more, be more observant, think more & understand more. Think of yourself as being a superhero, and nobody is simply born one; you make yourself one unless you are Tony Stark or Toby McGuire.  Entrepreneurship is an extreme sport!

17. Friends that matter

Society will tell you that going into business with your friends is suicide, but if you’re young and people you know are young then what must you do? Thank goodness that I have a good friend called Sun Tzu who wrote “The Art of war” and said: “When you have means but are not getting anywhere, seek appropriate associates, and you will be lucky.” And “A small army that has achieved fullness and a singular purpose will destroy a large army that has achieved emptiness and a mismatched purpose.”  I went into business with my friends and it’s been the best thing ever because we want the same thing and work equally as hard to achieve the goal. We’re invested in risk and reward and have done amazingly well thus far. 

18. Build something and create a value preposition.

“Entrepreneurs must build something and then seek funding.” – Unknown

 A lot people whom I meet & set up their businesses, will tell me that they have ideas and require funding from somewhere and complain that there is no funding. When I ask further, I find that they haven’t even written a business plan or developed a working prototype and basically want someone else to take on all the risk. Understand that it is your job to alleviate the risks of possible investors and that they don’t see what’s in your head. They care about how much you’ve done, the numbers and how much of your own money you’ve put in, so create something of value before you seek investors. You have to bootstrap (a term that means funding a start-up yourself until you seek investors) by asking your friends and family for funds by making them believe in your vision. 

19. Expectations and timelines.

“You will always have plans and they will work out if you keep at them, but remember that your plans will not always go according to your timeline.” – My Dad
Let the story write itself in its own time, you do all that you have to and let a force greater than yourself do the rest. I think we’re done here. 

20. Shut out the noise from people and their fears.

“The opposite of courage in our society is conformity not fear.”

People are afraid of following their dreams and will make excuses for not going after them and you sadly have to distance yourself from them. Success is not about how much money you make or how prestigious your job is, fact of the matter is that you will know when you’re not where you’re supposed to be regardless of how much you bullshit yourself. I read somewhere: “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal,” so basically a person who is [deliberately] doing a pre-determined job that he decided to do [deliberately]. So in the face of it all, it’s all about saying to yourself: “This is want I want and I’m gonna go after it, regardless of what society says.”

21. Share your experiences and story with people.

I personally think that ideas choose people who they believe can bring them to life. The whole point of ideas is to improve humanity and help each other because that’s what it all comes down to. So don’t be afraid to share your deepest thoughts on whatever platform you use because your story and your words have the power to change lives and unleash people you don’t know. I remember this girl once telling me shit for not posting my FB status updates anymore, she was like: “Lui, I don’t know why you stopped updating your facebook status. There are people you don’t know who wake up and want to know what you have to say because it helps them so you can’t afford to not share your thoughts when you have them. You’ve been blessed with an exceptional mind and so you can’t not share what’s on it!” I was so deeply moved...
Now here I am... so start a blog, YouTube channel or twitter account and share.. Catch me on Twitter @Lui_Innovator. 

22. Have fun, make mistakes, break the rules and live!

“Move fast & break things” – Marc Zuckerberg
“Stay hungry, stay foolish!” – Steve Jobs

The most important point has to be this one. I guess I went through a lot, changed a lot and cried a lot, but I knew every day that we were having fun. We were creating something new and that’s really all that matters. If you’re not having fun, stop what you’re doing and do something else, it’s not worth it. Understand that in today’s world, not taking a risk is the biggest risk of all so understand that this is your life and you’re only here once so while you still have time, take risks, make mistakes but most importantly live!!! 




@Lui_Innovator That's me, I look cool don't I?? haha