Thursday, 12 June 2014

Confidence VS Arrogance

Ok this is one of those posts of mine where I choose to educate or blow the lid on some unexplored truth which leaves some of you people in the world with your jaws dropped on some “He did not just say that?!!?” hahaha just kidding! But before we go that route I’d like to thank everyone out there who has responded from my blogs and even E-mailed me telling me to keep writing, my blog is on 14000 views now and I guess you guys all contributed to that so thank you for passing my stuff on. Carla in France, Steve in Cyprus and Sarah in New York, I’m glad that my posts clarified certain things for you guys and that I could help restore your energy and drive because being great certainly isn’t easy. I shall be in New York City from the 15th to the 19th of September and the UK the following month so hopefully I can have coffee and a shot of something interesting with some of you guys when I’m there so just holla! 

Before we carry on I have to do my disclaimer thing for the sensitive people out there so without further a due; 

Disclaimer: Extremely low amounts of bullshit are found in this article. Not for sensitive readers, if you’re sensitive & love bullshit then stop reading!!

So once again human beings have been themselves and allowed something totally important to go unquestioned and unnoticed. A lot of people will tell me that I’m stubborn, arrogant, egotistical or whatever and I always laugh about it but then I ended up thinking about it while I was doing the number 2 the other day and the universe did its thing with me in the bathroom lol! (Stop thinking “eeeew GROSS!!” I actually don’t know why people like to act like they don’t take a shit often. Yes you do so chill!!) Anyway let’s start off with several pictures... 

Interesting pictures hey?? Anyway, the pictures say a lot about life and our generation today. We are all different yet what I’ve noticed is that we tend to ridicule those who we feel are not like us simply because they are not like us. Those we consider below our statue, we undermine and those we consider above us in society, we either look up to or hate on. It’s true that’s what we humans do. It’s like how they say everyone who drives slower than you is stupid and everyone who drives faster than you is a lunatic. When did you become the standard? When did you become the unit by which we measure where society should ultimately be positioned? Yup it’s always about that person in the mirror even if we never want to admit it and prefer to hide behind all the bullshit we keep re-fuelling ourselves with all day every day. My stance however is simple, I stopped caring about all these things society holds in high regard, I took a walk one day and needless to say, my pockets had holes and a lot of fucks I had fell out. By the time I realized it, it was too late, someone probably picked up all my previous fucks and now I’m rather feckless but hey. I find us as a society too interesting, I’ve decided I have no stake in the outcome and don’t fear anything or anyone anymore because I’m really here to do what I have to and have fun but let’s not side track... 

What is confidence and what is arrogance? Girls like saying that there’s a thin line between confidence and arrogance as if there’s some border control where confidence land ends and arrogance land begins and you need your passport and visa to get through so because of that let’s just unpack these 2 heavy words for a bit and see what we come up with. 

  • The word confidence originates from the Latin word “confidere” which means to have full trust. This was later turned into the word “confidentia” which meant to be reliable, trustworthy and dependable which we got our word “confidential” from. The original meaning of confidence is literally "to have trust or have faith in an object or person". We use words like “Confide” in someone and a “Confidant” not knowing they are directly linked to our favourite word confidence. People will be upset with you and say: “You betrayed my confidence” so the word was never about a character trait but it evolved to be so and to speak about ability and since we don’t like history we just accepted it as a part of our lives. 
  • The word Arrogant originates from the Latin word “Arrogare” which means to “ask” or “question” which then was used to make the word “Arrogate,” which meant to claim without justification around the 13th century. The French then turned it into “Arrogance” as we know it today because they were in their French revolution thingy and were pretty serious about themselves and it has now just become a part of our lives.
Sorry...They were saying there’s a thin line between arrogance and confidence??????? Hahaha lets continue... Time for my amazing thoughts!

So I shall now differentiate between confidence and arrogance using nothing but common sense... I’m going to start off by defining and describing it, and then I will extrapolate its uses. Bear in mind that I am arrogant and so will naturally be bias towards it because that’s who I am but I will try to explain it all in a nice way.


Confidence is that feeling you have when you know you can do something. It relates to a skill or talent that is either given or obtained and then honed somehow. People will ask you: “How confident are you with Microsoft Excel” or “How confident are you with people.” It has to do with a trust or reliability in someone or their ability to do something. Confidence is what people can grade you with. Society likes confidence because we all understand it and it is not threatening. Confidence does not disturb the order nor is it a problem. People are simply warm to confidence because it knows how to stick to rules and the boundaries. It is usable and requires a pat on the back once in awhile to know that it has done a good job. Before you write an exam, someone will ask you: “dude how confident are you about the work” and what they are really asking you is how close are you to knowing everything, because let’s face it, school was really about memory regurgitation. So confidence plays by the rules. Confident people make good employees and are normally good at whatever they do and are liked by everyone around them so as to promote the “corporate culture” whatever that is. They are seldom discouraged and wont simply quit on you as long as they feel appreciated and acknowledged. 


“When you find out who you are, nobody impresses you.”

Now confidence is one of those 10 in 1 words with many uses. I guess they figured it rolls off the tongue so well that they should use it for everything but this is where it stops. They went as far as realizing they needed a word for a confidence in one’s self and not just in one’s ability and called that “self-confidence” but that’s where they went wrong. Self-Confidence is arrogance! Remember arrogance initially meant to question or asks things. Naturally when someone asks or question things he/she will seek those answers regardless of the consequences. The word then was used as arrogate to make big claims which was seen as unwelcome because people have always been more about tangibility than intangibility. 

Arrogance is not the trust in one’s ability; it is the trust in one’s self. This means that an arrogant person must then have a pretty good idea of whom/what his/her “self” is all about. Arrogant people are the kinds of people other people simply love to watch because of the thrill in seeing that person bend the rules and do things everyone else would be too afraid to do. These are the kinds of people everyone secretly admires and just wishes they were but once again, can’t be. The “Harvey Spectors” of the series “Suits” and the “Iron mans” of world. Arrogant people aren’t liked by society because they are threatening and they disturb order. They ask and question almost everything because why must they accept everything? These are the people that feel they are and can do better than everyone else around them who are happy with whatever they get because they don’t see why they have to be like everyone else. They aren’t liked because they are unpredictable. To feel good about themselves they then go out to prove true the big claims they made to simply silence the people that said it was impossible, just to see them keep their mouths shut. I guess that’s the prize they get that compensates for not being liked by society.  

Arrogant people you want to keep and get rid off because they are sooo good at what they do but you’d probably end up firing them along the line because they will quickly feel superior to everyone in the work place and mess with the “corporate culture” and what not. Just think of Achilles from my favourite movie Troy. 

Who are you?? 

Now I want to go further and separate this apparently “thin” line between our 2 favourite words... 

  • ·         Confidence is the shit you need to go to Idols or X Factor and try sing to some apparently great judges who you allow to either praise or ridicule you. Confidence gets you through the door because you trust you ability to sing or dance. Arrogance is the shit you need to say fuck Idols, I’m going to write my own song, find a producer, save up money for studio time and record my shit regardless of how my voice sounds because I’m willing to take a bet on myself. 
  • ·         Confidence is the shit that makes you keep and update a CV for future job prospects, arrogance is the shit that makes you forget there’s a thing called Curriculum Vitae and you somehow feel you already are a walking CV.
  • ·         Confidence is the shit that allows you to be happy in an unhappy situation because you can hold out longer in hope for better which is always a possibility. People who feel underpaid are arrogant because they overvalue their abilities and have no thought about the fact that if they are paid more than everyone else, then everyone else must also be paid more. They don’t care, it’s all about them, they’ll quit job after job and go look for something else the moment you tell them that you won’t pay them more.
  • ·         Confidence is that shit you need to be a celebrity and walk red carpets thinking you look good wearing someone else’s Italian sounding design. Arrogance is the shit that tells you that you know you’re a great actor and simply wear your jeans, T shirt and slops to the same red carpet event because you know that it only matters when cameras roll on set, everything else is pretentious and what these people do to keep entertained.
  • ·         Confidence is the shit that allows you to be liked by people because they can understand and quantify you and you care about who follows you back on Twitter and Instagram. Arrogance is the shit that makes you disregard who you follow back on Twitter or Instagram because why must you follow everyone who follows you? Think about it, if you follow everyone who follows you, where on earth are you guys going then?? Nowhere!
  • ·         Confidence is the shit you need to get that amazing job. Arrogance is the shit you need to be great and create your own job. Nobody remembers confident people sadly but it doesn’t mean everyone should and wants to be remembered. If you feel you can do things better out there than other people, or you can pick out a lot of flaws or mistakes in simple things or people, you’re arrogant.
  • ·         Confidence is the shit you need to make it in society and find love. Arrogance is the shit you need to go further and learn shit you won’t learn elsewhere to make your own way although love won’t be one of those easy things you gravitate towards because arrogant people are attractive but selfish.
  • ·         Confidence is the shit you need to think. Arrogance is the shit you need to think big!
  • ·         Confidence is the shit that you need to pitch an idea to someone. Arrogance is the shit you need to carry on going even if you fail at the moment. 
  • ·         Confident take their abilities seriously whereas arrogant people take themselves seriously. A confident person is confined to the times where that skill is relevant whereas if you take an arrogant person back in time, he’ll simply find a way to take himself seriously there, read his Art of war and take on that era.

Note: Confidence is not that thing you need to bungee jump off a bridge or jump out a plane. That is courage. Whenever the obstacle is fear, which is in the mind, then the required pass is confidence. Whenever the obstacle is danger which is real, then the required pass is courage. Whenever the obstacle is you, then the pass and outcome is arrogance. 

To conclude I want to say you have to know what your ultimate outcome in life is and accept it. We’re not all meant to be remembered and we are also not all meant to be forgotten. The arrogant side of things looks cooler because once again we love those kinds of people hence why they are great or we are inspired, moved and entertained by them. It’s all about being comfortable in whatever you do and being happy about it. This thing of lying to ourselves must stop. There’s nothing wrong with being an employee or average or whatever as long as you’re happy. The problem comes when you’re not happy in which case you have to do something about it or you really are taking your life for granted.  

The truth is that right now we are all corporate slaves and yes even entrepreneurs because we’ve accepted money as a means to trade stuff. None of us are really free, those who have more money have more freedom but they are not free. Freedom is expensive as cheap as it may seem. The only free people are the ones who are in some jungle somewhere and don’t care about this “greatness” we’ve created that simply works for a very few and excludes the rest. 

I have accepted myself as being someone who’s very sure of me because my ultimate goal /outcome require me to be. I’m a dreamer and visionary and therefore do not only think but also operate out of the box. I’m here to change, create, fix and improve shit and my ultimate outcome means that I will not be liked by many people for the way I think or the way I do things as I do and I’ve accepted that and am happy with it. My purpose is greater than my desire to be liked by society. So it really comes down to accepting me and the fact that I’m forced to know the shit I claim to know and then produce results. It’s the curse of great people and no person who was ever great was ever humble, being humble is that way you act when you get some stroke of luck that many are deprived of like winning a competition or the lottery or inheriting millions, and you know you didn’t deserve it at all. If you worked hard to get to where you are you can’t be humble because it wasn’t a surprise that you got there, you decided to go there against all odds and you got yourself there. You can’t be humble whenever you conquer your inner demons and accept ridicule in your pursuit to do what you want to do because let’s face it, some people are so vast within themselves that the only way they can express themselves is to create something other than themselves to walk alongside them. At the end of life people will only have themselves to face and expressive people are going to be there with their creations and bid them farewell and leave them behind to affect the rest of the quantum time. Whether they are musicians or inventors, they are controlled by a force that we cannot understand but they know they just have to do whatever they’re compelled to do. Let’s face it, the world doesn’t teach you to trust yourself but teaches you to doubt yourself and put labels on everything to a point where u need things like religion and stuff just to feel ok or worthy with your life. Telling you, you’re a sinner and forcing us to say things to ourselves like: “I’m human” or “I’m not perfect or whatever”. If you argue your limitations, you get to keep them and you’ll be arguing and feeling inferior till u die. I’m from South Africa and that doesn’t mean anything less to me, maybe it just means that in Africa we play the game of life on hard mode but that’s why if you can do something great or innovate in Africa, you can do it anywhere in the world. So I’m here to inspire a generation and show them that anything is possible regardless of what your apparent limitation should be.
Like I said, my purpose here is bigger than my desire to be liked or accepted by people; life is just bigger than that. So I call myself perfect with all my flaws and strengths because I refuse to accept that I’m inferior, incomplete, a mistake or some sort of sinner. I am a beautiful creation just the way I am and love myself to bits. I look at the world, see the turmoil around me knowing I can help fix it somehow and instead of waiting for something to happen or a saviour, I think “Nobody is coming back, God sent you, and so be a force for them!” So if people call me arrogant then so be it, I’ve faced and conquered my demons and I guess I’m one of those lunatics that drive faster than everybody else on the road.

All that matters is that every day of my life I have fun and I’m happy, life is too beautiful to allow oneself to be bored for a moment, and I think we have the afterlife to be bored and all spiritual, but for now, I’m here to have fun and fuck shit up with a smile loll! So Rather we live!!!  


Here’s a few Drake songs and 3 by Eminem that go with this post... and then a link to my favourite feel good song now by Mr Probz called “waves remix” ...

Drake – Headlines
Drake – 0-100/Catch up
Eminem – “Legacy”
Eminem – “Sing for the moment”
Drake – “Pound Cake/Paris Morton Music 2
Eminem – “I’m not afraid”

Life is about expression and you're only here once, so express yourself now while celebrating every goal or milestone with people that matter. We are partying tomorrow and these are my game changing friends I plan to introduce you guys to. 
On the left is me, @Lui_innovator, Middle, @Khayski and right @ViniGege

  Thank you Universe...

Tuesday, 3 June 2014


They say that change is constant & I’ve always liked to take time to analyze all these things that ‘they’ say because I sometimes feel that we blindly accept things simply because ‘they’ said it but hey this is not the time to go that route. 

I sit everyday with my shisha/hookah/hubbly pipe smoking and pondering on anything my mind defines as interesting to us (My mind and I). I have the best thoughts when I’m smoking that thing actually. Today the big thought happened to be that behind the concept of change. I looked back at all the changes that have happened in my life that have chiseled me to be the person I am today writing and doing all the things I do, that affect the world. I believe the more changes that happen to a person, the more he/she becomes. In fact let me rather say that the more changes a person [allows] to happen to him/her the more they become (I’ll explain why later). We are all perfect pieces of growing clay at birth but take form according to life’s principles and time. So basically, life is the Michelangelo and we are the clay. 

My life has been the most exhilarating roller-coaster ride I could’ve asked for filled with speed, screams, twists and turns.  Forget the things I’ve had to go through, it’s the things I threw myself into that actually make me laugh. It is no secret that we are not given the manual to life at birth, instead we are forced to figure this thing out second by second, moment for moment. It kind of sucks because you’re the forced to go through so many good times and shit times that sometimes don’t make sense to us really. I read a powerful quote the other day that went: “Sometimes the person you’d take a bullet for is the same person that has their finger on the trigger” and it got me thinking. I looked back at how many times people had forced me to change because of the triggers they had pulled. Sometimes I was Neo from the Matrix, but other times, I was just that guy who got shot and was now bleeding beautifully.   

Nobody tells you when you start life that the friends you’d do anything for, would be same ones that back stab you or betray you. Nobody tells you that the girls you said you loved are the same ones that can say it back and yet take you for granted in pursuit of some momentary feeling elsewhere. Nobody tells you that the girl you’d do anything for is the same girl who’d never know or notice until it’s too late. Nobody tells you.  You just figure it out when you get there. Drake said it perfectly in “Fireworks” when he said: “All in all I learnt a lesson from it though, you never see it coming, you just get to see it go.”

I’ve suffered several broken hearts and I laugh when I look back at them, well only because I’ve realized that after I chose to walk away, they wanted me back quite adamantly. I mean I know that I’m not an easy guy to get over, I’m rather epic! Hahaha I mean who wants be gotten over quickly?? NOBODY!! But anyway I’ve also caused a couple of broken hearts, so I guess I had my karma party. They say that a girl’s laughter means way more than a guy’s laughter and that a guy’s tears mean way more than a girl’s tears.  Yes I’ve shed tears at the sword of a girl's actions & I think the worst part is that she/they probably never knew. Perhaps my heart was too ready to love back then but hey. I feel I’m rather un-dateable now because I change and experience so much in a short space of time & I think girls have always craved stability from me which I could never seem to readily provide. I’m just a guy on his own mission & I guess I’m also afraid of getting hurt again so I’m extremely selective regarding who I let close to me. I'm quite a loner actually, this is basically me ----> 

I also think I had the most interesting varsity/college experience too. I had fun dropping into classes I wasn’t registered for because I was so fascinated by some classes. I changed my institutions as well as my majors so many times, and as much as people and my parents took it as suspect, I really was irritated at how we live in such a vast planet and have to limit it to so few possibilities when in my mind the possibilities were always and still are rather endless. I mean these people were trying to make me one thing when I was and wanted to be so much more. I remember being so frustrated with the way people went on that I decided to try change something random in my life by simply changing the way I looked at things and decided to teach my left hand how to write. 6 months later my left hand could write neater than my right hand and I answered an exam question or 2 in my final year with the use of my left hand. I had a magical experience during that exam that I will always hold dear to my heart. 

Change is what we’re here for. That’s why we love movies and all these things because we’re taken through a journey of someone’s changes. I mean have you ever looked at your Facebook pictures or status updates from back in the day and just marveled at how you used to dress and the stuff you’d say. I mean I’m ALWAYS shocked!! I’d be sitting there thinking “WHAAAAAAAT?!!!” haha! This is how I [used] to dress in 2009.....

 I’m addicted to change now and when I thought of why, I came up with a rather fascinating equation:

The equation follows the normal equation rule, in that it always has to balance.
To start off, we need to define the quantitative variables:

-       -   The numerator, “Experience” is a real number with the range going from 1 to infinity. The denominator, “Denial” is also a real number with the range going from 1 to infinity and can never be zero for obvious grade 6 mathematical reasons. 

-        -  “Change” is an endogenous variable meaning it is variable that must be solved for and is thus not a readily given value.
-          -“Experience” and “Denial” are exogenous variables, which mean they are given and inputted into the equation as is at the user’s discretion. 

The equation at face value says that change is directly proportional to experience and inversely proportional to denial. But we have to go into detail with this to understand it further. 

- Experiences come in 2 forms: Unintentional (the things that just happen to you) and Intentional (the things you choose to experience). You can never choose the unintentional experiences you encounter in life, they simply just happen to you. It’s never your fault or your doing remember that, and if they don’t kill you, they simply make you stronger or fuck you up a bit I guess. The intentional experiences are truly the beauty of life I think. These are the things life is made up of and these are the ones that make you wise and that interesting person at a dinner table. You immediately know a person who’s had a lot of these intentional experiences when you meet them. They’ve either travelled a lot or simply have a lot of stories about things they’ve experienced, & I love people like that.

- Denial is simply denial. 

Change is we said is endogenous, and whenever/however a person changes, the way they view reality ultimately becomes different. 

Now how the equation works is rather cool (since I came up with it myself lol)... 

A person changes the more experiences he comes across whether they are intentional or unintentional. A person who embraces and can adapt to change is a more alive human being because he is one who’s allowed more deliberate experiences to happen his life. To me, variety is intelligence and eventual wisdom.
A person changes less the more he denies his experiences. We are all not perfect and it’s sometimes OK to go through things and be in disbelief but we sometimes hold onto things and live in denial and as result stop the process of change. Sometimes we know something is right for us yet we deny it wholly and carry on believing that it is not, mostly because of some fear we have derived from the past or the unknown. They say that the heart just knows though. People who fear change are people who live in constant denial of themselves, their surroundings and the truth. Change is a scary concept because it forces you to face the truth, and we all know that the truth will set you free but will piss you off first. Lao Tzu said: “Mighty is he who can conquer others, but even mightier is he that has conquered himself,” and having said that we see that the less a person denies to himself, the more he changes. In other words, since acceptance is the polar opposite of denial, the more a person accepts things and is true to himself, the more he changes hence I used the words “allow” for change earlier.  (Told you the equation is cool)... 

Another interesting fact to notice is that the change one derives from his experiences is divided by the amount he chooses to deny. So if he denies a lot, his experiences change him less whereas if he denies less i.e. accepts his stimuli/experiences more, the more he then changes. 

To change the way you view reality i.e. to change an aspect in your life or even your entire life, you first have to accept the truth of your unhappiness with the current situation. Then you have to add an entirely new experience to your life for the change to occur. If a person wants to lose weight, one must accept they are overweight and then go on to add a diet and workout plan to their lives and have the change take effect over time. If a person hates their job, one must first accept that they hate their job and want something else which means they then have to quit or find something else but nothing will change unless they actively do something about their own life. Too many people wait for life to happen to them and never even attempt anything new. Thomas Edison said it perfectly by saying: “Discontent is the beginning of progress.” Sometimes all you need is to add or subtract one element in your life to change everything. You don’t always need some a huge new philosophy or New Year’s resolution to change things because those are the things most people quit simply because it’s too much too soon for the mind to like, a sort of life/mental inertia happens. There is the universal law of cause and effect that is always at play in life and if you want a certain effect, you have to create the necessary active cause in order to have the desired effect (you reap what you sow). The universal law of Gestation (waiting period) will take care of the rest; all you need to do is be patient. I changed my life and I’m going to keep doing so because that change shit is rather fun; it allows you to use your mind in ways you never knew you could. And no I’m not saying it’s easy, but I’m also not saying it’s impossible. Mathematician Carl Menger, who lived in the 1800’s, said that human beings are the consumers of pain and pleasure and I think it’s easier to accept change from pleasure than it is to change from acceptance of pain but ya...

I’ve learnt to embrace my experiences and therefore my changes and have come to the conclusion that one cannot experience everything in life and it then means it comes down to choices. I’ve leant that it’s very important to align yourself with the right people that you feel are going to experience or are experiencing what you want to experience. I decided that I simply want to be addicted to the simple experiences that make me human. Life is all about having fun and I think the only way to have fun is to keep things simple, because once you complicate things you lose their true essence as Aristotle said. I just want to be alive with laughter, life, love and yes even pain. So in that regard I’ve allowed myself to embrace and adapt to changes. Life is simply too beautiful and short to deny the things that the heart and the senses were originally built for. Trying to be too logical, fast and perfect with life will steal the beauty that’s simply and always right in front of you. It’s all about taking your time and making a lot of YOU decisions especially in your 20s!

I love change, I love life, I love all you people, I love being here and I love being able to share this gift I’ve been given with everyone out there and I think that’s what matters most to me. I’m ready for more change as turbulent as the past couple of months have been in my life. All that matters is that I’m having fun with this life thing and it reminds me of something my musically talented friend said to me this week and I think I’ll leave you with it and a song I absolutely love by Drake and one by John Mayer....

I’ve gotten used to living a life that confirms the things I ultimately want.” – Vini Gege, @ViniGege

Drake – “Over my dead body”
John Mayer - "New Deep"

Oh this is how I dress now hey ---> 

Thank goodness not all was lost... Rather we live & change!